Monday, July 15, 2013

We've all been thinking about it.

Hello, hello. First post in a long time, and I was planning on starting with Ramadan but I’m going to switch gears and talk about the bitter taste of justice we all had to swallow in the past 24 hours.
Of course, I’m referring to the Zimmerman case.
Now before I go on with anything, I will state right now that I do not know details. I wasn't in that court room, I don’t know the evidence presented, I don’t know how the jury was told to take that evidence, and in the end I don’t know why the sentence came out as it did. And you know what; the majority of us do not know these things. We only know, what we've been allowed to know.
However, regardless of not knowing all of the above, there is one thing I know without a shadow of a doubt – Trayvon Martin was shot and killed. He did not die of natural causes or some freak accident, he was shot. He is no longer alive. And the man that shot him, is now Scott-free.
It’s not sitting right with me. I’m not saying put him in jail for life. I’m not saying there should be an eye for an eye. I’m just saying, there should be some form of actual justice here. How was he acquitted for everything?

I was listening to two different radio stations to and from school, and of course this case was on everyone’s minds. I heard some interesting opinions. On 104.1, multiple callers were sending out their prayers to the Martin family, but one caller stood out in particular. I don’t remember her name, but I remember that what she wanted to emphasize were the strides we are making in the judicial system (so far as strides can be made with the judicial system). She pointed out that people were not happy with the verdict, so now there are protests and a call for a civil rights charge against Zimmerman. Her bottom line was ‘the system works!’
I agree, we’re moving along pretty okay. But that last statement  - the system works! – That’s the part I can’t agree with yet. If the system worked, someone would be answering for this death. Right?
Again, I don’t know all the facts.
It was also interesting to notice that no one on KRBE brought up race. Race has been brought up many times over; it’s still a sensitive issue for a lot of us. But I was impressed that race was not the first thing on these caller’s minds. That may be the underlying cause, or not. We may have taken a step forward or backward, it’s hard to say. But the main cause for so many people being upset is that Trayvon is dead, and the man that killed him is free without ANY penalty. American citizens being upset – that’s not about race here, it’s about humanity. Whose heart doesn’t go out to the Martin family? I can’t even imagine what they must be going through.
The other station I was listening to was KTRH.

BIG MISTAKE. I stopped listening to KTRH for a while because it gave me a headache, but for whatever reason I switched channels today.
Massive headache? You bet.
I don’t know who the speaker was, I only turned the radio on for a brief drive, but it was enough to get my blood boiling. The speaker was talking about how he agreed with the verdict, the system works, people are throwing these fits and ignoring bigger issues etc etc.
But then he went and switched gears, and started getting rowdy about how CARE and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) sent word of their support to NAACP.
….Why is this an issue sir? Why did it irk you so much that CARE and ADC were as heartbroken as the rest of the American public, and sent their support and prayers to NAACP and the Martin family? It’s not a matter of religion; it’s a matter of humanity. (How many times have I repeated that? Clearly, I’m still irked).
I won’t go into all he said. Truth be told, it’s not worth it. The bottom line is that over a tragedy such as this, people can still take all the bad of the situation and make it worse. You have two American organizations, supporting a third American organization over a tragedy, and you've still got people who will look at it and say ‘It has nothing to do with race! Why is America throwing a fit? And why are these MUSLIMS getting involved! Why are they speaking at all about OUR system?’
Please tell me I’m not the only one to see the contradiction in that thought process.
I mean bro, where did the attack on Muslims even come from? This tragedy isn't even about Muslims! Random hate. Inappropriate timing. Inappropriate message. You know what, inappropriate person, someone ought to send this man to finishing school.

Look I’m not saying there aren't worse things going on the world – of course there are. There are still wars, illnesses, and suffering that we can’t begin to fathom. So why are we focusing on this case? Because we want some form of justice. We want to know that when tragedies like this happen, we can depend on our government to get to the bottom of things. I know I know, according to the facts presented, Zimmerman could not be convicted. But what about the fact that he did shoot Trayvon? Who answers for that lost life? We can throw around race, and judicial system, and why’s and how’s and technicalities. But at the heart of it all, is the fact that Trayvon is gone. You know what, maybe if Zimmerman showed regret, some form of remorse over his actions, we would feel less triggered. But so far, I haven’t heard anything. Have you? I don’t hear everything, so maybe I’m missing something. Did Zimmerman issue at least an apology to the family? Can anyone fill in these blanks?

So those are the frustrations we’re facing as Americans.
Prayers for the Martin family, for losing their son in such an awful way, and then having to deal with a trial like this. 

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