This is the dismissal people pass on others when they don't fully understand the problem, but think they are smart enough to solve it.
It's VERY annoying.
And I'm sure all of us have experienced this at one point or another in our lives.
The instance I can use for an example right now is my nightmares because this was a fairly recent conversation.
For the purpose of privacy, the other person will be referred to as Z.
Z - So why do you sleep downstairs?
Me - I feel safer downstairs.
Z- And a light is on because...?
Me - I have nightmares often, when I wake up I need to see where I am otherwise I freak out.
Z - Why do you have nightmares??
Me - ...I don't know...
In my mind - what the hell kind of question is that!?
Z - You're Muslim! You shouldn't have nightmares, you shouldn't be scared of other things!
Me - ....Seriously?? Are you kidding me right now?
Z - You should try thinking of positive things when you go to sleep. Or don't think of anything at all. Or count sheep!
Me - -_______- okay, you do realize that this situation isn't exactly in my control right?
Z - Are you sure?
Me - ......................................
Z - Well you should try what I told you.
What I was thinking and probably should have said:
It sounds to me like you have never has a nightmare before, so please do me a favor and shut up. You have no idea what these nightmares consist of, or how often I have them, or how long I've had them for. You don't really know anything about my situation, so I would appreciate it if you kept your ignorant advice to yourself because, believe it or not, I tried your obvious solutions eons ago with not avail. Don't act like you know what I am talking about when you really don't. And don't act like you know more than me when you're pulling words out your rear-end. Much obliged. -____-
These thoughts sound familiar to anyone? Because I've been in this situation so many times, it's ridiculous.
I've been given obvious advice about:
- Nightmares
- Insomnia
- Diet
- Career plans
People come at you asking about your issues, not fully understanding, and then offering these 'DUH!' solutions. No, of course I didn't think to try the obvious solution you just stated. I guess I'll try it now and let you know if, by some miracle, it actually works instead of all the other things I have already tried so that you can feel even more cocky about your brilliant idea.
Ok, that was exceptionally bitter. My bad. But can you tell how irked I get with this attitude??
To me, acting like this is a dismissal of the situation, which is just plain rude and disrespectful.
It makes it seem like the other person is not treating the situation seriously, when it clearly effects your life in a very serious manner. Again, rude and disrespectful.
Obviously people will try to offer advice and solutions once they find that you have an issue with something. That's natural, and caring. But in the example I gave, you tell me, did Z strike the tone of a caring person?
That tone of arrogance and knowing, that's the tone I hate. That's what makes the whole situation bitter and makes me feel like you really have no idea what's going on but you like to pretend you do.
I think people who have those odd issues that are uncommon for most understand this more. They are the ones who also have to deal with obvious advice and people who think they understand your situation. If you're like me, the genuine people are the ones you don't mind.
But like I said before, it's the people who act like know-it-all's that just piss me the hell off.
Seriously, if you don't understand the situation, don't act like you do.
Have questions? Ask them.
Have sympathy? It's welcomed.
Wanna try to understand what this person is going through? By all means. Your interest and care is appreciated.
But if you don't have the same issue, don't understand it, and still think you have something insightful to say, here's a few words of advice:
- Consider first, if what you are about to say seems like it's a 'DUH!' thing to say. If it is, don't say it.
- Consider your tone and your word selection. (Honestly, even if it is obvious advice, when it's given with the right tone and words, the thought is appreciated).
- Consider the fact that maybe you're just not fully grasping the situation (there's no harm or sham in that ya'll)
- And finally, consider the fact that maybe after considering all the above, what you are about to say is not such a gem of an idea after all and that you should keep it to yourself before you piss the other person off and come off as haughty.
Have questions? Ask them.
Have sympathy? It's welcomed.
Wanna try to understand what this person is going through? By all means. Your interest and care is appreciated.
But if you don't have the same issue, don't understand it, and still think you have something insightful to say, here's a few words of advice:
- Consider first, if what you are about to say seems like it's a 'DUH!' thing to say. If it is, don't say it.
- Consider your tone and your word selection. (Honestly, even if it is obvious advice, when it's given with the right tone and words, the thought is appreciated).
- Consider the fact that maybe you're just not fully grasping the situation (there's no harm or sham in that ya'll)
- And finally, consider the fact that maybe after considering all the above, what you are about to say is not such a gem of an idea after all and that you should keep it to yourself before you piss the other person off and come off as haughty.
And just for everyone, myself included, I think it's important for us to remember that there are plenty of things that we don't understand about other people. We don't always understand what the other person is going through, the different influences and effects of their situation, and their mind set. We don't always understand the different ways people go about handling their situation, and we should remember that what works for us doesn't necessarily work for others.
And we should always remember that if we don't understand something completely, it's better to ask to understand, instead of pretending to understand.
Which all reminds me, if I have ever passed unwanted, obvious advice your way, I'm sorry. I know how infuriating it can be. I promise I had no intention of dismissing your situation, or acting like a know-it-all about it :[
Random rant ya'll.
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